Today's Twitter Updates

  • 23:11 @tombasham Not all tweets are meaningless w/o the convo. Sometimes one really does update one's own whereabouts + doings #
  • 23:13 @davidmichaels Twitter listens on GetSatisfaction, but not here. #
  • 12:13 @tombasham Perhaps not. I think it's worth sending it to a dedicated blog, though, just for archiving...b/c there's no archiving on Twitter. #
  • 19:47 @rackup Welcome to Twitter! Twitterpack can help you find people #
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May 3, 2008 in Twitter Posts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

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Today's Twitter Updates

  • 11:27 Twitterpoll: do u find it anoying when someone reposts their tweets to their blog? @davidberkowitz doesn't like it #
  • 11:35 @nateritter @hmason @jrwoodward @charris1980 @alexdesigns Thanks. However, blog is a good CMS for journaling tweets by dayand Twitter isn't #
  • 11:37 I suppose compromise would be to start another blog just to send daily summary tweets to, to keep daily / weekly / monthly archive of doings #
  • 11:41 @alexdesigns FriendFeed + Socialthing won't store ur stuff forever.How do u search by date? A blog is safer. And a blog may be a lifestream! #
  • 11:43 @jtnt @mailourmilitary Thanks ... so far the response has been overwhelmingly against reposting daily summary of tweets to the blog #
  • 11:52 @mailourmilitary Loudtwitter ships a daily summary of tweets to your blog. Tweeterboard will give you links posted by users. #
  • 11:55 @swhitley For instance, you can favorite your own important tweets and then grab the RSS feed for it ... #
  • 12:02 @mailourmilitary Yeah, tweeterboard only gives you the last 30 you've posted. You've got to grab the RSS for it. #
  • 12:13 @swhitley Also, while on the favorites page, the RSS feed is an auto-discovery that's[[some number]].atom #
  • 12:15 @devinreams Point well taken. I'm starting a new blog -- for my own benefit -- to capture a daily / weekly / monthly archive of my tweets #
  • 12:16 If Twitter scratches Ruby for PHP, let's hope they'll fix some of the annoying stuff along the way and give us new features as well #
  • 12:18 My wishlist for Twitter: better contact management; grouping, sorting and tagging features; private and public tweets; archival process #
  • 12:22 @newmediajim Dunno ... I saw it on TechCrunch but Twitter's denying it #
  • 12:30 @glowbird By private, I mean I'd like to send private tweets to a *group* - not to an individual. I'd like to do so w/o using GroupTweet #
  • 12:33 @_nateritter For posterity. When older, sitting by fireside, I'd like to see what I was up to on a particular day. Twitter is good for that. #
  • 12:40 @couch Indeed, the combination of Twitter, Flickr and blog makes for an interesting historical archive ... a new autobiography of sorts ... #
  • 12:43 @nateritter Wow ... Have you checked with @extraface though? He might have setup a non-hasthag retweet of your tweets on @__nateritter #
  • 12:48 @couch @aerodi Most dramatically, airplane crash affected lots of Brazilians on Orkut. Suddenly accounts became historical archives-Very sad #
  • 13:04 @davidberkowitz Thanks for bringing it up! And everyone agrees with you ;) and #
  • 13:14 @reboot10 I'm glad there's a 10th edition, I look forward to it. It'll be my fourth time there: always been great. Will it be free? Lol :) #
  • 18:56 TGIF. What a day ... I sure am ready for the weekend to start. Hope you'll have a good one. #
  • 22:08 Think about it: a perfected Twitter-like service would display your threaded conversations, wouldn't it? Well, dream on. #
  • 22:16 @silkcharm Mobile IRC! Why not? Hope you're well, must be a great experience there :) #
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May 2, 2008 in Twitter Posts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

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Today's Twitter Updates

  • 00:19 RefreshMiami & @brbreslin thanks for enabling connections, exchange of ideas and more than a fair share of serendipity over the past 2 tears #
  • 00:20 And that would of course be years, not tears :) #
  • 13:21 Met with a local startup in stealth mode with an innovative e-commerce concept and revenue model. Miami can haz tech. #
  • 14:34 Reading new comment thread on BusinessWeek listing companies using Twitter #
  • 14:43 "The result is the mass amateurization of efforts previously reserved for media professionals" -Clay Shirky, in "Here Comes Everybody" #
  • 14:57 @andrewhyde You know it! But Twitter's still unknown to most. A consumer web startup recently asked me: "should we be on Twitter?" #
  • 15:09 Uploaded first set of RefreshMiami pictures from last night's party, have about 10 more to upload #
  • 15:23 @michaeltangeman writes a great post about Miami tech, incl. RefreshMiami, BarCampMiami, coworking at Brikolodge #
  • 17:08 Posted last night's RefreshMiami anniversary photos incl. Lola, our mascot Thanks everyone! #
  • 17:47 @jrwoodward Why do you suppose golfing is embracing twitter? Know of other sports into Twitter? @pgagolf @2008players #
  • 18:40 This is so cool ... but I wonder how it got on @Mashable? @kristennicole2 #
  • 19:50 Stunning sunset! Hope a local Flickrer captuted it ... #
  • 20:49 @brightkite You can check in but you can never leave? (ie., you can leave a place by phone but not through the website?) #
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May 1, 2008 in Twitter Posts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

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Today's Twitter Updates

  • 23:36 @ashleyb33 Good point! You can comment shared items on Bloglines, but not on Google Reader. Seems like an obvious feature to have, right? #
  • 06:01 Took a friend to the airport and now working early at the office: no traffic for once #
  • 10:00 @shelisrael Surely due to an online shift of ad and direct marketing budgets ... #
  • 10:31 Brightkite looks neat ... does anyone have a spare invite? Would appreciate it! #
  • 10:33 @martinbowling Thank you! It's [email protected] #
  • 10:51 @martinbowling Thanks for the Brightkite invite, I'm signing up now. Thx @onajide @pbacgrad @jbruin @pcarles I'll see you on the other side. #
  • 10:55 @MarkTap @pcarles There must be a way to set privacy. By the way, I see the usual suspects & super-early adopter set is alreadyhere;) #
  • 11:07 Brightkite's orange bubble looks much like Plazes' blue bubble. Lifestreams / microblogs and geo-location go together like hand in glove #
  • 11:13 Brightkite is cool. For some reason I thought FireEagle was going to have similar features ... #
  • 11:20 @enzobalc My single invite just went out ... No GPS required b/c you manually enter in your location ;) #
  • 11:27 Obviously Brightkite should repost our tweets inside Brightkite ... and I'm quickly turning off the post to Twitter from Brightkite! Doh! #
  • 11:30 @enzobalc LOL. Looky here via @nateritter #
  • 11:31 @pbacgrad I got suckered by Brightkite into posting my exact location to Twitter. Doh! It's in your account settings: careful w/ ur privacy! #
  • 11:36 @DevBear Choosing GTA4 over 2 year anniversary of RefreshMiami tonight? Come to think of it, GTA4 is prolly safer than driving in Miami ;) #
  • 11:44 Retweeting @strategicast: Trying to get an invite to brightkite. Does anyone have an invite to spare? It would be much appreciated. Thanks. #
  • 11:55 @brightkite The privacy option should be on "locked" by default, I just tweeted my location to Twitter by mistake (not happy about that). #
  • 12:53 @brightkite Publicly tweeting exact address details is for teh suck! Rather, you should enable our tweets *within* Brightkite. #
  • 12:59 @brightkite Well, I've deleted by now, haven't it? I syndicate tweets to FriendFeed Tumblr FB Jaiku. Dude, mistakes are 2 easy w/ brightkite #
  • 13:07 @brightkite Indeed I did. The privacy settings are on a separate page from Twitter settings. It's too easy to make the same mistake I did. #
  • 13:17 @brightkite I completed first step of wizard and clicked out. I suppose I should read instructions when assembling Ikea furniture as well? #
  • 13:36 @brightkite Thanks, I wish that had already been in place. Good luck with your service, looks promising. #
  • 18:28 @macaia Did you see Brazil's now upgraded to investment grade? Parity's not unrealistic! #
  • 18:32 Heading to RefreshMiami two-year party at the Brikolodge, see you there! ;) #
  • 18:51 "Woman and child" memorable still from One Water, the movie @1h2o now has a Flickr group #
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April 30, 2008 in Twitter Posts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

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Today's Twitter Updates

  • 09:30 @ikepigott More than just lazy, it's also sleazy, slanted and sensationalist journalism. Whatever sells, right? #
  • 09:34 Coldplay's song is not entirely free, they're collecting your email. I wonder what they'll do with it. #
  • 09:45 Retweeting @jamesbuck Free mohammed, send an eCard to the consul [email protected] #
  • 12:36 Wine wholesaler fell thru! Need new sponsor for RefreshMiami 2yr partytomorrow: ~$150 for wine, 50people attending #
  • 13:00 @lsal77 Thanks for the Flipshake sponsorship of RefreshMiami! w00t! #
  • 13:27 @quiverandquill @gregoire @montgomery @onajide Thanks for your offers and tips, it's very much appreciated. #
  • 13:30 @quiverandquill Kudos for "Rubber Chicken Social Club" in Boston! Informal meetups are generally the best kind. #
  • 13:50 Without a moment's hesitation and nary a doubt, he swiftly declared RSS bankruptcy and breathed a sigh of relief. #
  • 13:56 @rrodgers On the contrary, it means I clicked the "Mark all as read" button. A refreshingly blank slate (screen, rather) stared back. #
  • 14:01 @rrodgers Blog posts unread may rest in peace. They're gone for good ... unless someone links to them from Twitter, that is ;) #
  • 15:35 I love Twistori #
  • 16:35 @jpostman Visually stunning style, congrats. But I don't agree w/ communist/socialist theme to describe social media #
  • 17:05 Pre-ordered @missrogue 's "Whuffie Factor" & ordered @cshirky 's "Here Comes Everybody" #
  • 17:26 @jpostman It certainly makes a bold statement and will get some attention ;) Good luck with your new consultancy, you'll do well. #
  • 17:29 @thorpus @yourdon I look forward to reading Clay's book. I'm halfway through Groundswell - the Technographics chapter is very good #
  • 17:33 Mobile Monday Miami at Myxer's office on May 12th. The following one's at Nokia's on June 9th. Thanks @sass and @michaeltangeman . Rock on. #
  • 17:36 @PelleB Agreed. I understand it's meant tongue-in-cheek: Take it up with @jpostman #
  • 21:27 It's really too bad you can't customize the style of Google Reader shared items page, they all look the same #
  • 21:36 @kingsley2 I've got Tumblr, just added you #
  • 23:36 @ashleyb33 Good point! You can comment shared items on Bloglines, but not on Google Reader. Seems like an obvious feature to have, right? #
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Today's Twitter Updates

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April 28, 2008 in Twitter Posts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

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Today's Twitter Updates

  • 00:30 Chillin' w/ cool Miami Twitterati @nathanielmc 's party, @vicequeenmaria @jasonlbaptiste @brbreslin @dearyvette in da haus #
  • 02:06 @nathanielmc thanks for the great party, was good to catch up! Back at the Delano now :) #
  • 02:35 MIAMI #
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April 27, 2008 in Twitter Posts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

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Today's Twitter Updates

  • 18:29 Finally back at the gym, it's been forever #
  • 18:55 Retweeting @miamiherald THE STREAK LIVES Miami Hurricanes have had at least one player selected in 1st round of NFL draft every yr since '95 #
  • 21:48 At the Delano now w/ friends, heading to @nathanielmc 's party later #
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April 26, 2008 in Twitter Posts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

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Today's Twitter Updates

  • 10:58 @GeoffLiving Agreed. Also, more fine-grained privacy control, app-request blocking and the new chat have breathed a lot of new life into FB. #
  • 10:59 @montgomery @brbreslin You can figure out reciprocal follows by using "Twitter Karma"; Google it to find it. #
  • 11:08 @BarbarKB No one disputes RL is more vital ;) On the other hand, there's arguably greater chance of serendipity online. A balance b/w both? #
  • 11:13 @brbreslin Understood, I was responding more to @montgomery. Twubble partly does what you're looking for, though not exactly. #
  • 17:50 Nice, brief summary of the evolution of the Miami web-tech community, by @brbreslin It's been fun! @refreshmiami #
  • 19:55 Will the Brazilian Real be on a par with the US Dollar in a year or two? (click on 5-yr graph) #
  • 20:28 @RichardAult If I think far back enough, I think I could have done this too ;) (great shot!) #
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April 25, 2008 in Twitter Posts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

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Today's Twitter Updates

  • 10:51 "What's the rush?", on Flickr (much better viewed here on black: ) #
  • 13:10 @andrewhyde That "thrifty fifty" for the Canon's a good lens! Also nice for low light and portrait photos, and more affordable than the f1.4 #
  • 13:33 Dugg "28 best Deviant Art Wordpress designers" by @wpzoomcom ... nice collection of WP themes there #
  • 13:33 oops forgot WP themes link #
  • 15:27 Mobile Monday Miami set for May 12th at Myxer, thanks to @sass Please RSVP Thanks also @michaeltangeman for helpng #
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April 24, 2008 in Twitter Posts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

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