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Moving on

Time has flown by and so much has changed since I first joined Scrapblog as Director of Community. At the time, we still hadn't launched our service. Since then, we've grown by leaps and bounds, in the US, in Brazil and other countries. There's still much to accomplish, but Scrapblog is now on a solid growth path and I have reached my objective of building an engaged and active community across various countries.

I am now moving on from Scrapblog, and will retain them as a consultant.

It has been great fun working at Scrapblog and I will miss my colleagues, partners and suppliers. We will remain in close contact, I will advise Scrapblog as a consultant and of course will remain an active community member.

What's next

I have been focused over the last year on building communities online and offline. I am an avid user of social media, and am passionate about using social networks, blogs and other platforms to bring people together.

I have been involved in consulting, in teaching and in building the local web community. I am an Adjunct Professor of Social Media at the University of Miami, I've organized the first two BarCampMiami events, I co-organize RefreshMiami meetups, and, more significantly careerwise, I consult to companies on social media strategies, tools and platforms. These activities have increased in importance over time, and I will now focus on these areas.

While I define my new role, I am committed to continue working in an area that combines my technical and social media knowledge, my business background, and my passion for community; I want to use my abilities fully in these areas.

If you have any suggestions, I’m always open for your ideas. My email is alex at decarvalho dot net

Update: Carlos Garcia's, Scrapblog CEO, blog post about me.

March 6, 2008 in Starting up | Permalink


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Best of luck Alex! The Miami tech community wouldn't be the same without the efforts you've put in over the last two years.

Posted by: Brian Breslin | Mar 6, 2008 6:21:36 PM

Best of luck to you!

Posted by: Devin Reams | Mar 6, 2008 9:08:46 PM

Best of luck Alex — you've clearly done some great work for Scrapblog and Miami. Looking forward to whatever you come up with next!

Posted by: Chris Messina | Mar 6, 2008 11:50:48 PM

I'm sure this is the right move for you, Alex - you've done tons to help our little community of designers and developers, and it'll be good to see you bring your talents to a broader set of clients and organizations.

Posted by: Dan Rubin | Mar 7, 2008 5:40:11 AM

Best of luck Alex, we'll miss you but something tells me we'll still be seeing a lot of each other :)

BTW, you better get here, the flight to Austin is about to board!

Posted by: Mike Gowen | Mar 7, 2008 7:21:30 AM

Alex, you've done great work at Scrapblog and helping to build the tech community in Miami. I am excited to hear about all the great things you'll do in the future.

Posted by: Justin Thorp | Mar 7, 2008 9:26:01 AM

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