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blogger dinner in miami


According to Manola and Rick (in  the comments), there have a couple of attempts last year to bring local Miami bloggers together for a dinner.

For some reason, it seems like the geek dinners had a disappointing turnout, despite the free wine. Maybe it's because the first one was called "Le Geek c'est chic" and you had to dress all in white for it ... and the second one was to watch the last episode of the Apprentice? There may have been another attempt, at Tobacco Road, not sure.

Be that as it may, Scrapblog, where I work, is organizing (but not hosting) a dinner, for bloggers ... yes, in Miami, down by Sunset. Most of the attendees are from out of town and have arrived for the We Media conference (discount code here). There are only a few places left, if you'd like to come.


Oh, and there may even be some local bloggers there ... But we won't mention that :)

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February 2, 2007 in Miscellaneous Stuff, Starting up, Weblogs | Permalink


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