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Design for the mobile

Brian Fling at Mobile Design writes: 
There are 1.5 billion mobile devices in the world today, more than three   times the number of PCs. As the devices increase capabilities and networks get   faster, consumers are using mobile devices more and more for common computing   and information gathering tasks.
It sounds obvious but the message will take a while to sink in, although it's been said before. Brian gives ten reasons why you should design your web services for the mobile.
Want to access the web from a mobile? Want to make your site accesible to mobiles? Try the following "code stripping" services: 
Mike Davidson provides a fuller tutorial here on making sites friendlier and quicker for mobile phone browsing.

But it's not just about browsing, right?
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September 14, 2005 in Mobile & Wireless | Permalink


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Posted by: Sequencia | Nov 11, 2007 9:08:29 AM

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