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Link: Occam's Razor: Blogger Dinner in Paris.
Jeff Clavier and myself [Marc Goldberg] will be hosting a dinner at l’Area (brazilian/lebanese fusion cuisine) on April 26 at 20:00. Expected topics: vc financing, blogging, photosharing (buzznet users most welcome :-), and frankly anything we'll all feel like talking about.
After a busy day at the Les Blogs conference at the French Senate and drinks party at l'Alcazar yesterday, which I'll blog about later, I look forward to seeing Rodrigo, Julien, OlivierSeres, richard lander, Julien André, Philippe, Ludo, Francisque, Keyvan N., Owadenko, Elizabeth Press, Yann Lechelle, Alain Lefebvre, Xavier Maury, Stéphane LEE and others who reserved tonight at L'Area. See you there!
Update: Here's a slideshow of the dinner.
Technorati Tags: lesblogs
April 26, 2005 in Food and Drink, Starting up | Permalink
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